When he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, Jesus became the human king of the world. He is even now advancing his kingdom and will do so until ever enemy has been destroyed. The focus of this book is the intersection of prayer and the adventurous mission of the church to advance the kingdom of God as agents of King Jesus. This missiological focus is enriched by Dr. Waldecker’s many years of cross-cultural mission experience in Latin America.
Here’s a question the book asks you to ponder: does your church just support missionaries, or is it (and are you) on a mission as God’s kingdom agent to advance his kingdom in your part of the world?
The Bible reveals prayer to be a powerful link between the first and final stages of the kingdom. It is a weapon of war employed by audacious and bold secret agents on a mission to advance God’s kingdom toward its final stage. Through their prayers, kingdom agents bring the transforming power of the eschatological future to bean on the present. We have future power now.
Link to Amazon.com https://a.co/d/2Pzos64
Gary Waldecker is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. He was a church planter and an advisor to church planters in Latin America for 35 years. He graduated from Covenant College with a double major in Bible and Philosophy. He holds a Master of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary. He also holds a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and a Doctor of Education in Human and Organizational Learning from The George Washington University. His personal website can be found at:
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